The Gould Lab welcomes a new lab member, Nushrat.
The Gould Lab welcomes new lab members, Maisie, Maithily, and Darrell.
Kyle publishes, Disassociating drug active ingredients from inactive: ketamine-like synaptic effects of a ketamine excipient, in Neuropsychopharmacology.
Evan publishes
, Relative to females, male rats are more willing to forego obtaining sucrose reward in order to prevent harm to their cage mate, in Psychopharmacology.
The Gould Lab welcomes new lab members, Phylicia and Ryan
Dr. Gould is invited to speak for the scientific session at the 61st Annual Meeting of the Psychiatric Research Society in Park City, Utah.
Evan publishes a perspective article, Possible psychedelic therapeutic mechanism, in Science.
Kyle presents his research at the 61st Annual ACNP Meeting in Phoenix, Arizona.
Sarah is awared a 2022 Brain and Behavior Research Foundation Young Investigator Grant to study the role of T cells in postnatal BNST development and social behavior.
Sarah receives the 2022 Betty Huse Award from the Department of Psychiatry at University of Maryland School of Medicine as the co-investigator with Dr. Leon Brown as the principal investigator to conduct "an anatomical investigation of the lateral habenula and its role in ADHD".
The Gould Lab welcomes new lab members, Abagail and Musa
Morris presents his research at Immunology2022 conference in Portland, Oregon.
Lace is awarded the 2022 Society for Biological Psychiatry Predoctoral Scholars Travel Fellowship Award.
Poly presents her research at 60th Annual American College of Neuropsychopharmacology Meeting in San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Morris presents his research at Silvio O. Conte Center Virtual Research Symposium.
Poly is invited to present at Johns Hopkins Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences Research Conference.
Evan receives a fellowship through the Maryland Psychiatric Research Center NIH/NIMH T32 grant.
Lace is among only 25
neuroscientists in the nation who were selected for the prestigious NIH Outstanding
Scholars in Neuroscience Award Program.
Poly is awarded the
prestigious Marie
Skłodowska-Curie Fellowship to investigate "Reciprocal interactions
between hypogonadism and epigenetic modifications: A path for the development
of personalized treatments for depression".
Dr. Gould receives promotion
to full Professor of the Departments of Psychiatry, Pharmacology, and Anatomy
and Neurobiology.
Lace is
awarded the Elaine Miye Otani
Memorial Award for outstanding
character and service from the University of Maryland School of Medicine Graduate Program In
Life Sciences.
Poly receives the
2020 Betty Huse Prize, for her project "Targeting of Estrogen Receptors for the Treatment of
Adolescent Depression" from the Department of Psychiatry at University of Maryland
School of Medicine.
Lace is awarded a Ruth L. Kirschstein
National Research Service Award (NRSA) Individual Predoctoral Fellowship from
the National Institute of Mental Health.
Lace is awarded the Attillo R. and
Myrtle L. Jackson Award, for "meritorious service to humanity that is
continually demonstrated by on-going acts of generosity and kindness through
outreach to underserved populations" by the IMSD Leadership and Meyerhoff
Poly receives the 2019
Postdoctoral Fellow Excellence in Research Award from the University of
Maryland School of Medicine.
Dr. Gould receives the 2019
Faculty Excellence in Postdoctoral Mentorship Award from the University of
Maryland School of Medicine.
Poly is promoted to
Instructor in the Department
of Psychiatry, University of Maryland School of Medicine.
Panos is
promoted to Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychiatry, University of
Maryland School of Medicine.
Lace earns best poster
presentation at the 2019 Society for Neuroscience Greater Baltimore Chapter
Lace is accepted into
the Society for Neuroscience Leadership Development Program.
Lace is awarded the
Trainee Professional Development Award from the Society for Neuroscience.
Lace earns best poster
presentation at the 2019 Department of Psychiatry Research Day.
Brent is accepted into
the Ph.D. program in Neuroscience at the University of
Maryland School of Medicine.
Lace is selected as a
speaker for the Program in Neuroscience Annual Retreat.
The Gould Lab welcomes new lab members, Morris, Adele, and Sarah.
Carleigh is accepted into
the M.S. program in Molecular Medicine at the University of
Maryland School of Medicine.
Lace is
awarded a training grant from the Training Program in Integrative Membrane
Biology funded by the NIH National Institute of General Medical Sciences.
Jackie earns best poster
presentation at the 2018 Department of Psychiatry Research Day.
Lace is a national
finalist for the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Gilliam Fellowship for
Advanced Study.
Poly receives
a 2017 Travel Award to present at the Society of Biological Psychiatry.
Panos receives a
2016 Travel Award to present at the Society of Biological Psychiatry.
Panos receives the 2017
Postdoctoral Scholar Award from the University of Maryland School of Medicine.
Jackie is awarded a
training grant from the Training Program in Integrative Membrane Biology funded by
the NIH National Institute of General Medical Sciences.
Lace is awarded the
Student of Merit training grant from the Program in Neuroscience funded by the
NIH National Institute
of Neurological Disorders and Stroke.
Dr. Gould receives the Society for Biological Psychiatry A.E. Bennett Research
Award, an annual award
offered in both basic science and in clinical sciences for the purpose of
stimulating international research in biological psychiatry by young
Dr. Gould comments on a new study that investigates ketamine trapping in the NMDAR to alleviate depressive symptoms in the hyperactive lateral habenula in a new PNAS article, Ketamine interrupts machine gun-like neural activity to alleviate depression.
Dr. Gould and Evan were quoted in an August 2024 PsyPost article: Ketamine as an entactogen: Scientists reveal intriguing impact on social pleasure and empathy
Dr. Gould was quoted in a June 2024 American Psychological Association (APA) article, The emergence of psychedelics as medicine
Dr. Gould was quoted in a December, 2023 Healthline News article,
Deepak Chopra Shares How Psychedelics May Help Treat Depression, PTSD, and More
Dr. Gould was featured in a faculty spotlight in UMB's Programs in Neuroscience (PIN) 2023 Brainstorm Newsletter. It includes a detailed Q&A where you can learn more about the man behind the helm!
Dr. Gould discusses a previous study linking allergen exposures to altered cytokine levels as well as anxiety-like behaviors in rodents in The Connection between Seasonal Allergies and Mental Health by Christina Caron in The New York Times
Dr. Gould comments on the potential of using ketamine as a basis to develop other new molecules with antidepressant properties but not the adverse side effects in Ketamine: Could this anesthetic be the key to treating neurological disorders? by Adam Zamecnik in Pharmaceutical Technology.
Dr. Gould talks about ketamine's off-label use and how it works to relieve symptoms of depression in a news article for Verywell Mind titled One Woman's Journey and Success With Ketamine Therapy written by Cathy Cassata
The #sex of human experimenters affects mouse behaviors and responses following administration of the rapid-acting antidepressant #ketamine
— Nature Neuroscience (@NatureNeuro) August 30, 2022
New from @PolymniaG @pzanos @ScireAnimus @anxiaoxian520 @dmgerhard and colleagues
Dr. Gould is quoted in Psychedelic drugs take on depression by Cassandra Willyard in Nature Outlook.
Lace is interviewed by Adam Levy on the Knowable Podcast, talking about
How antidepressants changed ideas about depression
Dr. Gould talks about ketamine's mechanisms of actions and down stream effectors as well as ketamine metabolite, (2R, 6R)-HNK's invovlement in antidepressant effects in Are Psychedelics the Next Big Treatment for Depression? by Hannah Thomasy in The Daily Beast.
- Lace discusses significance of glutamate release in ketamine's mechanisms of actions in How Ketamine Helps Alleviate Depression by Brianna Randall in Discover Magazine.
- Dr. Gould comments on the relevance of NMDA-receptor-independent ketamine mechanisms of actions in response to a recent structural study examining receptor binding in
High-resolution snapshot of ketamine-receptor handshake may point to better antidepressants
in Chemical & Engineering News by Alla Katsnelson.
- Dr. Gould discusses ketamine mechanisms of actions in
More Than Just a Trip: Why Does Ketamine Work for Depression When Nothing Else Does? by Darisse
- Dr. Gould discusses ketamine mechanisms of actions in
Ketamine is revolutionizingantidepressant research, but we still don’t know how it works in
Chemical & Engineering News by Michael Torrice.
- Lace is featured in SOMnews
Learning toLead: UMSOM GPILS Student Qualifies for Exclusive Leadership Program published
by the University of Maryland School of Medicine.
- Dr. Gould discusses new antidepressants in Antidepressants
Could Herald New Era in Psychiatric Drugs
by Bianca Nogrady.
- Dr. Gould discusses the use of preclinical behavioral assays in Depression Researchers
Rethink Popular Mouse Swim Tests
by Sara Reardon.
- Work from the Gould Lab is discussed in the NIMH Director's Message, I'm
Optimistic about Depression
, by Joshua Gordon.
- Dr. Gould is featured in University of Maryland School of Medicine News in UMSOM Researchers Discover a Critical
Receptor Involved in the Response to Fast-Acting Antidepressants Like Ketamine
by Joanne
- Dr. Gould and Dr. Scott M. Thompson discuss the risks and rewards of
intranasal S-ketamine in Listening to Ketamine
Knowable Magazine from Annual Reviews by Emily Underwood.
- Dr. Gould comments Newsweek on the Parkland and Sandy Hook Suicides: What
Scientists Know About How Brain Scans Can Detect Suicide Thoughts, Risks
Adam Piore.
- Dr. Gould comments in the New York Times about
Fast-Acting Depression Drug, Newly
Approved, Could Help Millions
- Dr. Gould is featured as a Faculty Spotlight in the What's On! In Brain Sciences
- Dr. Gould and Dr. Scott M. Thompson are featured in SOMnews
Research and Discovery about
WorkingTogether to Develop New, Rapid-acting Treatments for Depression
- Dr. Georgiou and Dr. Gould is featured in Nature Reviews Drug Discovery about ketamine, 'Party Drug' Turned Antidepressant
Approaches Approval
by Sara Reardon.
- The research conducted by Poly is
featured on Nature News about how Sex Matters in Experiments on Party Drug
- In Mice
by Sara
- Dr. Gould is featured by Research
Publishing International on a Neuroscience Research Portfolio about Fighting Depression with Ketamine
- Dr. Gould is interviewed by Kat Arney at
The Naked Scientists regarding ketamine as a Dream
Depression Drug
- Panos is interviewed by Jesse Lawler at Smart Drug Smarts about Treating
Depression with Ketamine
- Medium, According to Science, Rats and Mice Don't Like the Scent of Male Humans by Katrina Paulson
- ThePrint, Of mice, and men who stress them out: How scientists' sex can affect lab mice's reaction to drugs by Sandhya Ramesh
- Psychiatric Times, Study Explores Effects of Experimenter Sex on Ketamine Response by Erin O'Brien
- Scienmag Science Magazaine, Drug effects of ketamine in mice can depend on the sex of the human experimenter
- UMSOM Frontline News (10-03-22), see video immediately below
- Grunge, Why Female Scientists Are More Successful in Lab than Men by Amielle Moreno
- Science Signaling, Stress with ketamine tackles depression by Leslie K. Ferrarelli
- Miss Behavior Journal Club Podcast, Ep. 50 Attack of the Uncontrolled Variables by Amielle Moreno
- New Scientist, The sex of the researcher can influence results of mouse experiments by Jonathan Moens
- The Scientist, Sex of Researcher Influences Ketamine's Effects in Mice: Study by Shawna Williams
- UMSOM news, Effects of Drugs in Mice can Depend on the Sex of the Human Experimenter by Vanessa McMains
- Nature Podcast, Sidestepping Side Effects
- Nature News, How Club
Drug Ketamine Fights Depression
by Heidi Ledford
- NIH Director's Blog,
FightingDepression: Ketamine Metabolite May Offer Benefits Without the Risks by
Dr. Francis Collins.
- NIH News Release,
KetamineLifts Depression via a Byproduct of its Metabolism.
- Discover Magazine,
Ketamineand Depression: A Breakthrough? by Neuroskeptic.
- Science News,
A BreakdownProduct, Not Ketamine, May Ease Depression by Laura Sanders.
- Daily Mail,
Secret ofHow Ketamine Eases Depression is Unlocked by Scientists... by
Lizzie Parry.
- Chemistry World, The K
by Nina Notman.
- Pacific Standard, How Ketamine Cures
by Kate Wheeling.
- Medical Daily, Ketamine as
DepressionTreatment? Scientists Harness Drug's Antidepressant Benefits Without HarmfulSide Effectsby Ali Venosa.
- Chemical and Engineering News,
KetamineMetabolite Could Inspire Fast-Acting Antidepressants by Michael
- STAT News,
How Ketamine EasesDepression - And Why That Matters for the Drug Industry by Ike
- Clinical Pharmacist, KetamineMetabolite Relieves Depression with Fewer Side Effects
- University of Maryland Baltimore News, SOMResearchers Study Ketamine in Depression by David Kohn.
Dr. Gould talks about the findings of Georgiou et al., (2022) Nat Neurosci in UMSOM Frontline News coverage.
Panos is featured by the University of Maryland School of Medicine, in regards to his investigations of ketamine and its metabolites for treatment-resistant depression.